No, you can't. To transfer a domain you must to have the authcode (Auth info for .IT domains).
If you don't have it, ask it to your provider, it's bound to give it to you.
The recharge can be realized from the control panel on logging in from here and clicking on the and clicking on the left column on "Manage credit"> "Add".
For the recharg we accept payment with:
Bank transfer
Credit card
Of course, during the registering operation it's possible to assign a domain to third-party through the link "Change domain assigner".
More info in the Who can register a domain name and how on faq.
The website must be upload in the "Httpdocs" folder.
The system folders "cgi-bin, error_docs, httpdocs and logs" mustn't be deleted.
If you have uploaded all in the root, move it in the "httpdocs" folder. If you deleted that folder, re-create it and move the files there.
If you want to transfer a domain to we can't give you the authcode, your provider is boung to give it to you.
Only when you will have the authcode and the domain will be unlocked you can start the transfer from here.
The system automatically issues invoices as soon as the payment is recorded. Invoices can be downloaded from the control panel under the "Billing".
To access the control panel, click here and then in the left column on "Billing".
No, you can only import one email address.
The expiring domains should be renewed 10 days before, to avoid paying additional tax for recover the expired domain. This rule applies if the payment has been done with the off-line payment mode (Bank Transfer).
The auth code or AUTHORIZATION CODE, it's the code you need for transfering a domain with an international extension. If you don't have it you will not able to transfer your domain.
The auth code must be asked to the provider and it is bound to give it to you.
The activation is immediate.
If the domain isn't active after 1 hour from the payment, contat us.
Have you modified the DNS record like in the email we sent you?
If the answer is yes, you just have to wait 24 hours for the "DNS propagation" in the net.
It's not possible to activate forwarding and autoreply at the same time, one must to be desactivated.
In order of inserting the "@" insert the domain name without the "www" and with a dot at the end:
The packages includes the registration of the domain name for 1 year, advanced DNS management (DNS configuration in panel) and name servers (How to change NAME SERVER in the control panel), courtesy page and redirect management.
No, it's not possible, our services are closely related with domain name.
For using our services you must to transfer that domain or register a new one.
No, domain names doesn't belong to anyone.
They are outsourced by the Authority to the person who buy them.
We use and recommend Filezilla.
If you have also done the order choosing a payment method, but you want to change it, you have to log in your control panel from here and in the left column click on "Orders pending payment" > "Pay all selected" and choose the payment method you prefer.
Of course, the accountholder is different from the person who pays.
The registration of a .IT domain is immediate.
To receive only one invoice you have to make a recharge of the user credit and then pay all the orders using as payment method: "user credit".
A domain mustn't appear in the Whois database to be registrable.
The FTP access data have to be generated from the Plesk control panel, in the "FTP Access" area.
The data to insert in Plesk are:
Username: domainname.ext
Password: 2hU&inG63&
You can't do anything, you must choose another domain name or extension (if it is available).
No, For the .IT domains the Lock status doesn't exist like for other extensions (Com, Net, Org). The Italian Register introduced new rules for some Lock and Hold status applied to .IT domains. they can be setted up only by public authority or down suspension decree, block or authorized seizure by public authority (police, magistrature, financial police, etc.).
On the right top you'll find the "Panel" and "Active domain management" areas. In the last one you will have to click on "Panel" for the domain you want to admin.
The auth code, for security reasons, is directly provided by our staff to the owners email address.
The auth code must be asked from here, our staff will answer within 24 hours.
We also recommend to start the transfering 15 days before the expiring date.
The tax data can be changed from the "Edit user data" in the Control Panel of
You can access from here by clicking on "Edit user data" in the left column.
Login to your control panel with your email address and password.
Click on "Domain to be renewed" and follow our instructions.
If the domain expired, click on "Domains cancelled" and then on "Recover".
Credit card
Paypal (with account)
Bank transfer
The most common error is to copy and paste the data without taking care of the spaces at the end, that invalid the login.
Have you already read this FAQ?
The autoreply sends one email each email address, so if an address writes you more than one time, the autoreply will not write it back twice.